Monday, 29 February 2016

二月最爱 2016

VERSACE Toilette Spray
Beautiful design, especially the black (Crystal Noir).
Last year my mom bought this at the airport in Thailand.

Miniatures Collection 

1610 Baht

Yellow Diamond  5ml
香 調:清新花果香調 前 味:佛手柑、柑橘、洋梨雪泥、橙花 中 味:小蒼蘭、含羞草、柑橘花、睡蓮 後 味:琥珀木、零陵香木、麝香

Versace Yellow Diamond is the new luxury Fragrance by Versace.
 Pure as sunlight,an extraordinary bright hue that radiates with a fiery intensity, 
sparkling the way that only a diamond can.
A new, captivating and voluptuos fragrance of true feminity, 
confidient in her charm, in harmony with the unmistakable glamour of Versace.

Versene 5ml

香调:花香调 前味:佛手柑、中国柑橘、无花果 中味:百合、茉莉、小豆蔻 后味:檀香、雪松、橄榄、麝香

Versense express perfectly the fusion of freshness and sensuality.
The name of the perfume suggests a promise for the sense.

Bright Crystal 5ml

香調: 清新花果香調 
前味: 石榴、 柚子  
中味: 木蘭花、 牡丹、 蓮花  
後味: 桃花木、 琥珀、 麝香

Sheer sensuality, crystal transparency, and luminous brightness:
Versace introduces the new bright crystal,
a precious jewel of rare beauty characterized by a fresh, vibrant, flowery scent

Vanitas 5ml

香调:花香调 前味:佛手柑、中国柑橘、无花果 中味:百合、茉莉、小豆蔻 后味:檀香、雪松、橄榄、麝香

Vanity and beauty portrayed in a bright seductive Fragrance evoking both tactile and ethereal sensations. Floating in the air, its lingering allure is perceived by the sense of smell that transforms it into something marvelously real. The most feminine part of the ego is now a perfume: Vanitas.

Crystal Noir 5ml

香调:清新迷人的花香调 前调:柚子、冰凉调子、石榴 中调:牡丹、木兰花、莲花 基调:桃花心木、琥珀、麝香

She has presence. She walks with her head held high, and she was that certain smile. She has an innate ability to always be sexy and confident. She has a sure sense of fashion and elegance, and she loves the lavishness.Eccentricity and glamour of haute couture spirit. She's a Versace women. She wants a sumptuous Fragrance, the olfactory equivalent pf a long train on a fabulous evening dress. It must be a ''Red carpet'' Fragrance, multi-faceted like a diamond. It is a unique Fragrance inspired by the virtuosity and creativity of Versace and its modern Interpretation of luxury.

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